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ICIS, at Maastricht University, was founded in 1998 and now has a staff of about 15 people. ICIS addresses complex issues facing the planet and its inhabitants. Its aims are to conduct research and provide education in the fields of integrated assessment and sustainable development.

ICIS researchers in the natural and social sciences work together in pursuit of solutions to real world problems. Such integrative studies involve analysis of the causes, effects and the mutual interlinkages between economic, environmental, institutional and socio-cultural processes associated with a specific environment or complex issue (e.g. tourism, health, water, mobility). These interdisciplinary analyses complemented with participatory processes involving stakeholders usually form the basis for the development of visions and long-term strategies.

ICIS has become a scientific 'centre of excellence' related to the integrated assessment of sustainable development. At ICIS, researchers of various nationalities conduct theoretical, empirical and policy-relevant research. This scientific research programme forms an excellent basis for the programmes and courses that ICIS offers on the bachelor, master, and PhD level.


Website: http://www.icis.unimaas.nl